domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Consecuences of the Great Depression

As I said before the great depression brought many changes in society and it affected in a huge way the economy during the decade preceding wwII.
It did not only caused economic problems, but  psychological problems, that’s why many people started to commit suicide because they thought there was no hope. Many also decided not to marry or to have kids because they didn’t want their kids to suffer these bad conditions of life. Also there was a loss of desire to go to college.
Breadlines and soup kitchens provided cheep or free meals to those people that didn’t have a work. 
The Great depression left many people without work, so they didn’t have money to pay their homes, they lost their homes. People start to constructs “houses” from anything they found, the group of theses houses constructed by people without money was called: Hoover-villes, this as a direct insult to president Hoover.  These houses became very popular because there was a huge amount of people without money and without work. People didn’t have money to buy many of the other things that they used to. The prices weren’t as they used to be, so it was hard to make any profit at all.

People before the great depression had bad farming techniques, this caused severe dust storms after the Great Depression from the destroyed top soil, so people without work and without homes were forced to leave the mid-west…huge problem right? This entire people went to the streets trying to find a work. Thirteen million people were unemployed. Some people had to move to other places to search for jobs, this caused the separation of many families.
Some people had their life savings destroyed after the great depression, some people started wishing for an authoritarian government that could save them from this situation, but imagine all the world being in crisis, not only the government can save them from the great depression, people should have a little more of hope that in the future things would change, because committing suicide or just going to the streets to ask for a job won’t make things better.
As consequence there were raising some fascist movements, Mussolini was already in power, and Hitler’s political base was growing in Germany.
Fortunately this time of crisis ended with the elections for the new president: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he had to make many reforms for fixing this crisis along with the people. He promised a "New Deal" in which the government would intervene to reduce unemployment by work-creation schemes such as painting of the post offices and street cleaning. In general the Great Depression had bad effects on society that later would be fixed up and most things would return as they were before, but it took time to restore things, it’s not easy to give work to many people, it’s not easy to give homes to many people. Nothing was easy because of the effects of the great Depression in which almost the entire world was affected.
Valerie. V

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