domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Rise of Nazism

First it is important to have some clear terms, Nazi or Nazism refers to the National Socialist movement which is the contraction of the German word Nationalsozialistische.
The ideology we are going to talk about is Nazism which emerged in Germany in the 20's but did not reach significance until the 30's, when the harsh peace terms imposed by the Treaty of Versailles (1919) are coupled with the global crisis on Black Thursday in 1929. Globally, liberal democracies were strongly discredited. The world situation seemed to give reasons to the workers' demands traditionally linked to Marxism and nineteenth-century socialists. The accumulation of production led to the bankruptcy of enterprises, massive layoffs and the situation is further aggravated. In Germany the situation is even more acute since the devastating economic effects are compounded by the obligation to pay the tribute of defeat in the First World War and the popular discontent with the unfair situation that made the streets be filled with extremists demonstrations of all kinds, both left and right.
The Nazi group was one of the most destructive groups of people ever to assemble. This group was a faction of Germans who were anti-Semitic, and racist as a whole. They were later referred as the Nazi party and they had a plan. They wanted to exterminate all contaminating factors of the human race and they felt that the Jews were the main cause of an impure a stained race.  In order to accomplish this, they needed the support of people, as much support of Germans as possible. Also the leaders of the party were smart to jump into workers groups. The members of the Nazi group joined the Workers Party in Germany, which was an already established society and gain much support from the move.
The aftermath of the Great Depression that began in 1929 gave the Nazi party a great opportunity to seize power in Germany and begin its practice of genocide. The Nazi party had the right people in office and the right moves; they would be able to continue to rise in the infrastructure of the German social and political structure.
Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party; he had the will to help his party rise to the top of the German government. The Nazi party finally rose to power in January 1993 when Hitler was essentially handed the power of Germany. 
The main causes that led the rise of Nazism were the social unrest, the compensation that Germany had to pay after the war, upset the middle classes and the bourgeoisie because it impoverished. All this events were compounded by the fear of the communist expansion and the economic crisis of 29.
The geopolitical and economic conditions, promoted the growth of Nazism, capturing quickly the political stratus of Germany and with the support of the people to achieve the unification of Germany; that had been weakened in WWI, to rebuild the principle of German nationalism and to exclude any ethnic or economic group that interfere in their plans for power, giving rise to the persecution of the Jews and the German genocide in WWII.


By: Nicole Miñan

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